Thanks go out to all who provided source material for this site. I spent many hours searching through threads on and found a ton of important information regarding Louisiana "type" cards. I am especially grateful to Ted Z. for his checklist threads. One thing I've learned about some of these Louisiana issues is that checklists are hard to find and often times conflict with one another. Ted Z. has made a great effort in compiling known cards for many of these sets.
I also spent many hours searching the web for articles about the companies that manufactured and distributed these little pieces of cardboard a century ago. Most of them have been bought, sold, or have become defunct in the years since they inserted these cards into their products. I have done my best to sift through the old writings and compile all of the relevant data.
Thanks to Laurel Dorrance for lending me some valuable information regarding the history of L. Frank & Co.
It is my intention to "grow" this website as new information becomes available. As recent as late 2013 there were cards discovered that were previously unknown to collectors so there is always a chance that more discoveries will be made in the future.
If you have any information that you feel would be beneficial to this site please feel free to use the contact tab to get in touch with me.
I also spent many hours searching the web for articles about the companies that manufactured and distributed these little pieces of cardboard a century ago. Most of them have been bought, sold, or have become defunct in the years since they inserted these cards into their products. I have done my best to sift through the old writings and compile all of the relevant data.
Thanks to Laurel Dorrance for lending me some valuable information regarding the history of L. Frank & Co.
It is my intention to "grow" this website as new information becomes available. As recent as late 2013 there were cards discovered that were previously unknown to collectors so there is always a chance that more discoveries will be made in the future.
If you have any information that you feel would be beneficial to this site please feel free to use the contact tab to get in touch with me.