d327 holsum bread

D327 Holsum Bread cards are closely related to a broader group of sets that include the American Caramel E121 ("Series of 80" and "Series of 120"), Herpolsheimer's boys clothing, Standard Biscuit (D350-3), Shotwell Mfg. Co., W575-1 strip cards, Clark's Bread, Haffner's Bread, Whitmor Candy, Gassler's Bread, Lou Gertenrich Candy, Leader Theater and more.
The black-and-white-printed cards measure approximately 2-1/16 x 3-3/8 inches. Each displays a full-body action pose of the player. The player's name, position and team are printed at the bottom of the vertically oriented cards.
D327 backs are found in two variations as shown below. Type 1, with the stretched out "H. Weil Baking Company" labeling, is considered the earlier (1920) of the two. Type 2 (1921), with the more compressed "H. Weil Baking Company" label, is a little more commonly encountered.
These cards were distributed in Holsum Bread made by H. Weil Baking Company.
The black-and-white-printed cards measure approximately 2-1/16 x 3-3/8 inches. Each displays a full-body action pose of the player. The player's name, position and team are printed at the bottom of the vertically oriented cards.
D327 backs are found in two variations as shown below. Type 1, with the stretched out "H. Weil Baking Company" labeling, is considered the earlier (1920) of the two. Type 2 (1921), with the more compressed "H. Weil Baking Company" label, is a little more commonly encountered.
These cards were distributed in Holsum Bread made by H. Weil Baking Company.
back variations
You can distinguish between Type 1 & Type 2 cards by checking the "H. Weil Baking Company" line of text. On Type 1 cards this line stretches the full length of "Holsum Bread". On Type 2 backs it is more compressed.
set checklist
This is an evolving checklist. They types listed next to each player are based on information gained from auctions and Net54 sources who have confirmed the existence of individual cards.
New cards have been discovered as recently as late-2013 (see "Holsum Bread Find" below the checklist)
New cards have been discovered as recently as late-2013 (see "Holsum Bread Find" below the checklist)
? = unknown type 1 = known type 1 2 = known type 2 1 & 2 = known type 1 & type 2
Jimmy Austin ?
Grover Alexander 1 & 2 Jim Bagby 2 J. Franklin Baker 1 & 2 Dave Bancroft 1 & 2 Jack Barry 1 Ping Bodie 2 Geo. J. Burns 1 & 2 George Burns 1 Owen Bush 1 & 2 Max Carey (hands on hips) 1 & 2 Ray Chapman 1 Eddie Cicotte 1 Ty Cobb (with bat) 1 (new addition 2013) Ty Cobb (throwing) 2 (new addition 2013) Eddie Collins 1 & 2 Harry Coveleskie 1 & 2 Gavvy Cravath 1 Geo. Cutshaw 1 Jake Daubert 2 Dauss 1 & 2 Dave Davenport 1 & 2 Charles Deal (Chicago Cubs) 1 Charles Deal (Chicago Nationals) 2 Williams (Bill) Doak ? Bill Donovan 1 & 2 Johnny Evers 2 Urban Faber 1 & 2 "Hap" Felsch 1 (new addition 2013) Art Fletcher 1 Eddie Foster 2 Jacques Fournier 1 & 2 Joe Gedeon 1 Hank Gowdy 2 John Graney 1 & 2 Heinie Groh 1 Harry Harper 1 Harry Heilmann 1 Tom Griffith 2 W. L. Gardner ? John Henry 1 & 2 "Buck" Herzog 1 Walter Holke 1 Harry Hooper 1 & 2 Rogers Hornsby 1 & 2 Joe Jackson 1 Harold Janvrin 1 Walter Johnson 1 & 2 James Johnston 1 Joe Judge 2 Benny Kauff 1 P. J. Kilduff ? Wm. Killefer Jr. 1 & 2 John Lavan 1 |
"Nemo" Leibold 1
H. B. Leonard 1 Duffy Lewis 1 & 2 John McGraw (manager) 1 & 2 Al Mamaux 1 & 2 "Rabbit" Maranville ? Clyde Milan 1 Otto Miller 2 Ray Morgan 1 & 2 Guy Morton 1 & 2 "Hy" Myers 1 Arthur Nehf 1 & 2 Steve O'Neill 1 & 2 Roger Peckinpaugh 1 & 2 Jeff Pfeffer 2 Derril Pratt 1 Bill Rariden 1 E.C. Rice 1 & 2 Eppa Rixey, Jr. 2 Davey Robertson 1 "Bob" Roth 1 Ed Roush 1 Dick Rudolph 1 Babe Ruth 2 (new addition 2013) "Slim" Sallee 1 & 2 Ray Schalk 1 & 2 (Type 1: new addition June 2014 - Rick McQuillan) Walter Schang 1 & 2 Everett Scott (Boston) 1 Hank Severeid 1 Bob Shawkey 1 Ernie Shore 1 Burt Shotton 1 Geo. Sisler 1 & 2 J. Carlisle Smith 1 & 2 Tris Speaker 2 Charles Stengel 1 & 2 Milton Stock 1 & 2 Amos Strunk (batting) 2 Amos Strunk (standing) 1 Chester Thomas 2 Fred Toney 2 George Tyler 1 & 2 Jim Vaughn (plain uniform) 1 Bob Veach 1 Oscar Vitt 1 Jim Walsh 1 W. Wambsganss (w/o background E135 image) 2 W. Wambsganss (w/ background E121 image) 2 Carl Weilman 1 Zack Wheat 1 & 2 George Whitted 2 Claude Williams 1 Ivy Wingo 2 Pep Young 1 & 2 |
See bottom of weil baking page for more information about h. weil baking company.
"holsum bread find"
In December of 2013 there was a discovery of Holsum Bread cards that included Babe Ruth and two different poses of Ty Cobb. In addition, the 1919 Black Sox center fielder, Hap Felsch, was part of the discovery. All four cards, shown above, were previously unknown to the hobby. The find also included extremely scarce but known Holsum Bread cards of Joe Jackson, Lefty Williams and Eddie Cicotte.
All seven of these cards were auctioned by Goodwin & Co. in their February 2014 auction.
Final prices (including buyer's premium):
All seven of these cards were auctioned by Goodwin & Co. in their February 2014 auction.
Final prices (including buyer's premium):
- Babe Ruth (SGC 40) - $67,797.87
- Ty Cobb, bat on shoulder (SGC 10) - $7,656.46
- Ty Cobb, throwing (SGC 35) - $6,960.31
- Hap Felsch (SGC 20) - $1,705.27
- Joe Jackson (SGC 35) - $24,659.18
- Lefty Williams (SGC 35) - $1,242.36
- Ed Cicotte (SGC 30) - $1,504.16
June 2014 - I received a message from Rick McQuillan. He has a Ray Schalk type 1 in his collection. This card was not previously listed, in either type 1 or 2, in any other checklists that I had seen. Added as a new discovery to the checklist.